Do you ever feel like your emotions are running your life? One minute, you are full of life; the next, you’re plunging into the depths of despair. Or maybe your anger, loneliness, insecurity, and fear are so overwhelming that you feel like you are riding a roller coaster of craziness.
What would your life look like if you walked a level path, not ruled by your emotions but by God's steadfast goodness, faithfulness, and love? What would your relationships look like if you jumped off the roller coaster of emotional chaos? What would be different about you if your heart found peace with who you are?
Psalm 119 is a passionate pursuit of the hope found only in God’s word. This is where the “level path” of life is found. Here, and only here, is where your soul will find the rest it craves.
Come on a six-week journey through the pages of Scripture and allow God's word to satiate your heart, soothe your wounds, quench your thirst, and lighten your load.

A freedom call for every mom who feels she is never enough
Being a mom is the greatest job in the world … at least that’s what most of us imagined.
The truth is, motherhood is hard — really hard. We love our kids, but if we’re honest, some days, we’d rather fly the coop instead.
How do we enjoy the moments when the days feel like eternity?
How do we love our kids in the midst of the chaos, mama mess-ups and
Pinterest-painted expectations of motherhood?
Are you trying to be a good mom but feel like a worn out, burnt out,
stressed out mess?
Do you long to break free from the comparison-driven insecurities and
guilt-ridden failures of motherhood?
If so, then close your eyes. Imagine someplace calm and quiet.
Then start reading. Because, honey, this book is for you!