Speaking Topics
Behold, Belong, Become
Do you long to belong somewhere? In a world of constant connection, people feel more disconnected than ever. There is a deep desire to belong, yet it often seems just out of reach. To belong, we must first behold--behold God and ourselves from the right perspective. Then, we will understand what true belonging looks like. Finally, we will become who God created us to be. Behold. Belong Become. We become what we behold. What are you beholding today?
Safe...or Free?
We spend much of our time and focus on staying safe, but does God have bigger dreams for us? Have you ever longed to live a great adventure with God but feel trapped in a pit of fear, shame, or insecurity? God has a big calling on our lives. He wants to use us to set captives free. But first we must climb out of the pit. Using the story of Gideon, this talk deals with the fears that hold us captive and the wild love of God that sets us free.
Starry Eyed
Motherhood is the greatest job in the world -- at least, that's what they told us! Most of us had dreams of what our life as moms would look like. But the reality is often different from the dream. Do you long to break free from the comparison-driven insecurities and guilt-ridden failures of motherhood? Are you trying to be a good mom but feel like a worn out, stressed out, burnt-out mess? This talk encourages moms to let go of the standard of perfection our culture has placed on moms today and discover the moms God has uniquely created each of us to be.
God has created us a women to be a force of healing and hope in this world, but often insecurities and unforgiveness hold us back. Digging into the story of Jacob and Esau, this talk brings to light the radical notion of forgiveness from an unlikely character. When we know how wildly loved we are by God, we can be the face of God to others. This world is searching our faces for Jesus. Will it find Him there?
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
September 10, 2024​
Sun City Women's Fellowship
October 15th
Fall Faith Day Virtual Summit
April 5th, 2025
Kinnett Baptist Church
May 9th
Historic Stamey
Mother's Day Dinner
Fallston, NC